martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Isn't it romantic

Look at these romantic places. I wish I could be in one of them right now !
Enjoy the pictures !.
Miren estos lugares románticos. Ojalá pudiera estar en alguno de ellos ahora mismo.
Disfruten las fotos.

10 comentarios:

mia dijo...

qué belleza Marcela!

Me entran deseos de

poner velas a mi bañera,

inventarme sitios

a mi alrededor

Como para copiar tu post!

Bello bello gracias


bj dijo...

oh, darling girl...this song playing takes me back to my very young did you even know about it? are so young.

Thanks for coming over today..and sink for me this Christmas. But, maybe in the summer...

I love all these romantic places and would love to take a bath in all those rose petals....
love, bj

Webradio dijo...

Very romantic, for two to eat...

Smile for You !

Jorgelina dijo...

Que lugares estupendos!!!
Yo me iria ahora mismo...
Un beso

Jorgelina dijo...

Me preguntaste si podias poner el banner de hay problema!!!!

SweetAnnee dijo...

Most lovely and so romantic!!!
love it

Deanna dijo...

Oh definately the bathtub picture is so what I love.....(wink, wink)

Hope you're having a great evening,
Deanna :)

tea time and roses dijo...

Romantic indeed! Simply takes your breath away....



Realmarce dijo...

Que buenas imagenes! Me encanto la mesa que balconea al mar..parece Santorini, Grecia.
Igual me conformo con la bañera con velas y petalos

SweetAnnee dijo...

Hi sweetie..just stopping by to say hello..and that my headaches are better.
what are you up too???
