viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008

Happy friday!

Alexandra de Silver bell cottage me ha regalado hace unos días este hermoso premio " You make my day award!. Gracias Alexandra!!!
Quiero compartirlo con : Pauline ( paruscircle),Mía ( mialuaf), Mayca ( Mi oasis), y Rose ( Classic charm). Cariños para todas y buen fin de semana!

Alexandra gave me a few days ago the beautiful " You make my day award". Thanks for honoring me with it..
I want to share this award with Pauline at paruscircle, Mía at mialuaf, Mayca at Mi oasis and Rose at Classic charm....
Have a wonderful friday and weekend!!!
Hugs, Marcela

9 comentarios:

paru's_circle dijo...

Hi dear
thanks for your kind sharing with me lovely award!! i will talk to you tomorrow as i have to go to hospital right now, hugs.P

Anónimo dijo...

Muchisimas gracias por tu premio.....muchisimas gracias.
Un besote muy grande y Feliz día

mia dijo...

gracias niña mía

hoy,que para mi es tan

triste hoy,tu premio

me endulza el corazón!


Kissing of the Frogs dijo...

THANK YOU sweet lady! This is so wonderful of you to share. And thank you for always stopping in to leave your darling comments! I will display this award proudly on my blog.
Un fuerte abrazo,

CIELO dijo...

Felicidades! Bien merecido!

Un abrazo muy grande....



bj dijo...

Hi, Sweet Marcela...congratulations on your nice award...Hope your weekend was really good.
Take care and many hugs, bj

mia dijo...

Donde te metes

que tanto te echo

de menos???


bj dijo...

Hi, sweet girl....I love your new award.
Hope things are going good with you and yours....
hugs, bj

Anónimo dijo...

Hello, dear one. Hope you are having a lovely week. Hugs!